Windows 7 logon screen

Windows 7 logon screen
The process of starting a computing session is known as logging On. After you start the
computer and it goes through its startup processes, the Windows 7 Welcome screen
appears. The appearance of the screen and the exact process to log on to Windows
depends on whether more than one user account has been created on your computer,
and whether your account is protected by a password.

If there is only one account on Windows 7 computer, and it is not protected by a password, the
Welcome screen displays your user account name and picture. Simply click the
picture to log on to Windows .

If there are multiple accounts, the Welcome screen will display the user account
names and pictures for all the active user account. Click your user account
picture and, if your account is password protected, enter your password to log
on to Windows 7.

If there is only one account, and it is password protected, the Welcome
screen displays your user account name and picture and a password box. You
need to enter your password and then click the Go button to log on to
Windows 7.

When you protect your Windows 7 user account by assigning a password to it, you have
the option of creating a password hint. Windows 7 displays the password hint if you
enter an incorrect password. If you didn’t save a password hint, or if you can’t remember
the password even with the help of the hint, you can reset your password—but only if
you have created a password reset disk. You can create this disk on either a USB flash
drive or a floppy disk, but not on a CD.

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